
Work Hardening and Conditioning

Work Hardening

Work hardening is a highly structured, goal oriented, work related therapy program that focuses on returning the patient to their pre-injury job with as few to no restrictions as possible.

Work Conditioning

Work conditioning is a work related, intensive, and goal-oriented treatment program specifically designed to restore an individual’s systemic, neurological, musculoskeletal (strength, endurance, movement, flexibility, and motor control), and cardiopulmonary functions.

Job Simulation

Job simulation is a therapeutic intervention in which the injured worker will mimic the type of work that has to be done in the workplace. The therapeutic activities may begin simple as crawling in a confined area or may become quite complex. The activity, however, in this setting is controlled and can be gradually increased to the levels required for work and patients functional level.

Job Demands

The information obtained from a job analysis will help to set up a treatment program that consists of tasks such as:

  • Pushing/Pulling
  • Carrying
  • Lifting
  • Stooping
  • Overhead Work
  • Low Level Work
  • Impact/Jarring
  • Fine Motor

 The worker that is able to participate in a progressive rehabilitation program for up to 4 hours a day, three to five days a week.